"Americans, Irish people, are good at charity. We like to give, and we give a lot, even those who can't afford it. But justice is a higher standard." Bono Quotes. All human beings feel the urge to act in a humanitarian capacity at least once in their lives; many people feel the noble urge to give back to society, especially if life has given so much to you already. People decide to volunteer and give back for many different reasons; we have those who do it for personal reasons like experiencing a loss of someone special in their lives, while we also have those who do it just to get ahead in terms of their resume. Many people believe that celebrities belong to the latter category, while some may do it just to gain a good public image, we have those who are truly inspired to do humanitarian work, not only at home but also abroad, where their ventures may not really hit the tabloids, here is a brief overview of some of this celebrities who share what they have with the world.
When it comes to humanitarian acts one of the celebrities that stands out is Angelina Jolie. Many celebrities give back mainly through charity work, it is quite rare to find them getting into the thick of things with locals from a different country, this is not the case with Angelina, she occasionally gets her hands dirty and helps out in a number of ways, for instance, Jolie has been on field missions around the world and met with refugees and internally displaced persons in more than 20 countries, including Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand, Ecuador, Kosovo, Kenya, Namibia, Sri Lanka, North Caucasus, Jordan, Egypt, New Delhi, Costa Rica, Chad, Syria, and Iraq, to name a few, and most recently she visited earthquake victims in Haiti on her latest trip to help rescue workers and survivors of conflict and natural disaster in the country.
Angelina Jolie is not the only one who is not afraid to do the gritty work, we have Some, like actor Seth Green, who travels to remote places to help those who are struggling. He has worked for such organizations as Habitat for Humanity and Doctors without Borders, an organization that gives medical care to people who need but cannot get it around the world, especially in war torn and conflicts regions. The American Red Cross has also recruited athletes like Peyton and Eli Manning to help deliver emergency supplies to areas that need it after a natural disaster.
Let us not forget to give credit to those celebrities that give back through volunteering their time and talent for worthy causes, we have celebrities who use their celebrity status to act as spokes persons for charities and humanitarian organization, for instance UNICEF has a number of goodwill ambassadors including the entire Barcelona football team, they use these ambassadors to raise awareness on issues affecting children all over the world. I this category we also have Eva Longoria who serves as the national spokes person for PADRES Contra El Cancer (Parents Against Cancer), a nonprofit organization committed to improving the quality of life for Latino children with cancer and their families.
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